Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting (SITC) conducts forensic water penetration testing utilizing ASTM E2128 and AAMA 511.
Forensic or investigative testing is very different from quality assurance testing. Quality assurance testing utilizes the AAMA 502 and AAMA 503.
Forensic water penetration testing is not based on conventional hypothesis testing and qualitative random sampling.
The starting premise for conducting forensic testing is that the building is suspected or known to leak.
SITC’s objective when conducting forensic water penetration testing is to address the question of why, how and to what extent a building leaks.
This can be accomplished utilizing various methods.
A few of the methods that SITC utilizes when conducting forensic water penetration testing are simulating surface flow, simulating wind driven rain and simulating kinetic energy.
Diagnostic testing methods can be adapted from standard test methods such as: ASTM E331, ASTM C1601 and ASTM E547.
It can also be adapted from in-service quality assurance testing procedures such as test method: ASTM E1105 or diagnostic test procedures such as ASTM C1715, AAMA 501.2 and AAMA 511.
SITC will chose the one or multiple methods to meet the specific objectives for a particular building.
SITC’s goal when conducting forensic water penetration testing on buildings is to recreate leaks that are know to occur utilizing controllable and reproducible procedures.
For examples of the projects that SITC has conducted in the past see our projects page.
If your firm is in need of forensic water penetration testing contact SITC at 1-952-367-6578.