Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting has conducted testing on storefronts, curtain wall, punched openings, strip windows and sloped glazing systems on hospitals, universities and office building around the nation. 

For examples of the projects that Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting has conducted in the past see our projects page. 

AAMA 503 

Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting utilizes AAMA 503-14 Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems. 

This is a combination specification. Meaning that air infiltration and water penetration can be performed utilizing this specification. 

AAMA references ASTM E783 for air infiltration testing. AAMA allows for maximum allowable rates not to exceed 1.5 times the project specifications rate or 0.09 cfm/ft2 whichever is greater. 

AAMA also references ASTM E1105 for water penetration testing. AAMA allows for test to be conducted at a static test pressure of two-thirds of the specified project water penetration test pressure, but not less than 4.18 psf. 

See our AAMA 503 page for further information. 

ASTM 1105 

SITC also utilizes ASTM E1105-15 Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference. 

This ASTM standard is for water penetration only. It states “Even though the equipment requirements are similar this procedure is not intended to measure air infiltration” 

There are two procedures that are mentioned in ASTM E1105 which are procedure A and B. SITC determines which procedure to use based on the laboratory testing. 

ASTM E1105 does not allow for any reduction in pressure. 

See our ASTM E1105 for further information 

ASTM 783 

SITC also utilizes ASTM E783-02 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors. 

This ASTM standard is for air infiltration testing only. 

ASTM E783 does not have any allowable rates in it at all. They have to be determined by the laboratory testing results. 

ASTM E783 not only has no allowable rates in it. It does not have the 1.5 times the specified rate that is found in the AAMA 503. 

See our ASTM E783 page for further information

AAMA 501.2 

SITC also utilizes AAMA 501.2-15 Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems. 

The purpose of this document is to provide quality assurance and diagnostic field water check method for installed storefronts, curtain walls and sloped glazing systems. 

This procedure is not intended to test the rated or specified water performance representative of wind driven rain event. 

See our AAMA 501.2 page for further information. 

When you need testing of storefronts, curtain walls, punched openings, strip windows or sloped glazing systems for air infiltration or water penetration or both.