ASTM International E2128-20 Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage Of Building Walls 

ASTM E2128 is a guide that describes multiple methods for determining and evaluating causes of water leakage of exterior walls. 

SITC utilizes ASTM E2128 as an investigative guide to determine if a buildings drainage capacity of the wall is causing or is likely to cause premature deterioration of a building or its contents. 

ASTM E2128 provides a guide for Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting to provide comprehensive methodology for evaluating water leakage through wall systems. 

A wall is considered a system including its exterior and interior finishes including but not limited to fenestrations, structural components and components for maintaining the building’s interior environment. 

The methodology that Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting utilizes while conducting investigative field testing is a systematic approach to evaluating wall leaks. 

This evaluation technique is applicable to any wall system or material. 

ASTM E2128 differs from many AAMA and ASTM testing specifications that are material specific or component specific and which are basically adaptations of quality control procedures. 

For example: ASTM E1105, AAMA 502, AAMA 503 are utilized as quality assurance testing procedures. 

ASTM E2128 is dramatically different than other water penetration testing standards/specifications due to the fact that is is not based on conventional hypothesis testing and qualitative random sampling. 

The starting premise for the application of ASTM E2128 is that the building is suspected or know to leak. 

Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting’s objective when utilizing ASTM E2128 is intended to address the question of why, how and to what extent a building leaks.