AAMA 501.2-15 Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems 

The purpose of this test is to provide a quality assurance and diagnostic field water check method for installed storefronts, curtain walls and sloped glazing systems. 

This procedure is not intended to test the rated or specified water performance representative of a wind driven rain event. 

AAMA 503 is the proper test method for field testing of storefronts, curtain wall and slope glazing for air infiltration resistance and water penetration resistance. 

This test method is not appropriate for testing of operable components. 

This field check procedure is intended to evaluate joints, gaskets and sealant details in the glazing which are designed to remain permanently closed and water tight. 

The architect and/or owners representative typically designate an area or areas to be tested. 

If no test areas and/or location has been identified, the person conducting the test can select the area. 

The area shall be selected to provide representative performance data. And at a minimum 100ft2. 

If interior wall materials have been installed they shall be removed at the test area to allow for visual access to check for any water penetration entry points. 

The test is performed utilizing a type B-25, #6.30 brass nozzle with a 1/2″ FPT as manufactured by Newton Tool. 

The water pressure to the nozzle shall be adjusted to produce 30 to 35 psi at the nozzle inlet. 

The testing procedure is as follows: 

  1. The designated test area shall be divided up into and evaluated into five foot section of the framing and joints.
  2. The nozzle shall be held normal to the plane of the wall at a distance of one foot.
  3. Each 5 foot section of the test area shall be evaluated for a period of five minutes by slowly moving the nozzle back and forth over the test area while maintaining the nozzle perpendicular to the plane of the wall.

During the test Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting personnel are positioned on the inside looking for any water penetration. 

If water is visually seen on the interior SITC tracks the migration pattern back to the source. This will lead us to our cause and effect analysis. 

Sovell Investigative Testing and Consulting personnel prides it’s self on moving past the pass/fail criteria, and moving to finding the leak path and the associated deficiencies that directly contribute to water penetration.